Aim and Scope
Aim and Scope
Journal of Applied Management – Jidnyasa, the bi- annual research journal of SIMS aims to publish research in the area of management theory and practice. The journal promotes empirical, conceptual and review papers and articles from the wider domain of management. The journal aspires to collate and synthesize intercultural perspectives.
The journal envisions to create academician and management practitioners who are hard core researchers so that the student community benefits in the long run.
Benchmarking: An International Journal (BIJ) is the first journal to examine a radical business process that is revolutionizing established practice and performance and is big news for companies committed to total quality programmes. Its enthusiastic reception by many prominent business figures has created high levels of interest in a technique which promises big rewards for co-operating partners. Yet, like total quality itself, it must be understood in its proper context, and implemented single mindedly to be effective. This journal helps companies decide if benchmarking is right for them and shows them how to go about it successfully.
BIJ is designed as both a study of techniques and a practical manual, so that companies acquire important background knowledge as well as the information they need to instigate their own benchmarking programme. Its content is overseen and written by a distinguished international editorial board and demonstrates a broad understanding of all the issues involved.
Topics covered in BIJ include:
1. Benchmarking as part of total quality
2. Case histories
3. Practical applications
4. Research reports
5. Test scenarios
6. The theory of benchmarking
BIJ will be of interest to academics and students studying quality and related areas, consultants to organizations looking at total quality, and senior company personnel in business and industry responsible for the development and managing of total quality programmes.
Recent Special Issues:
Sustainable People, Process and Organization Management in Emerging Markets (Volume 25, Issue 3). This 15 articles in this special issue aim to advance knowledge in the field of emerging markets to meet current and future challenges to run enterprises sustainably.
BIJ is Indexed and Abstracted in:
Applied Science and Technology Source, Business Source Alumni Edition/Complete/Complete: Government Edition/Corporate Plus/Elite/Premier, Cabell's Dictionary of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing, Computers & Applied Science Complete, Emerald Management Reviews, INSPEC, ProQuest, ReadCube Discover, Scopus, Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index, TOC Premier (EBSCO), VHB-JOURQUAL 3.
This journal is Ranked by:
ABS (UK), AERES (France), Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Quality Journal List, Australian Research Council (ERA Journal List), BFI (Denmark), JourQUAL 2.1 (Germany), NSD (Norway), Polish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN), Qualis (Brazil), Scopus, The Publication Forum (Finland).
Benchmarking is available as part of an online subscription to the Emerald Operations, Logistics & Quality eJournals Collection. For more information, please email or visit the Emerald Operations, Logistics & Quality eJournals Collection page.